Definition of Pot

  • (n.) A metallic or earthen vessel, appropriated to any of a great variety of uses, as for boiling meat or vegetables, for holding liquids, for plants, etc.; as, a quart pot; a flower pot; a bean pot.
  • (n.) An earthen or pewter cup for liquors; a mug.
  • (n.) The quantity contained in a pot; a potful; as, a pot of ale.
  • (n.) A metal or earthenware extension of a flue above the top of a chimney; a chimney pot.
  • (n.) A crucible; as, a graphite pot; a melting pot.
  • (n.) A wicker vessel for catching fish, eels, etc.
  • (n.) A perforated cask for draining sugar.
  • (n.) A size of paper. See Pott.
  • (v. t.) To place or inclose in pots
  • (v. t.) To preserve seasoned in pots.
  • (v. t.) To set out or cover in pots; as, potted plants or bulbs.
  • (v. t.) To drain; as, to pot sugar, by taking it from the cooler, and placing it in hogsheads, etc., having perforated heads, through which the molasses drains off.
  • (v. t.) To pocket.
  • (v. i.) To tipple; to drink.

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