

Explore definitions, synonyms, and language insights of assemblage


a group of persons together in one place
a system of components assembled together for a particular purpose
the social act of assembling; "they demanded the right of assembly"
several things grouped together or considered as a whole

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agglomerate agglomeration air power ana armamentarium art collection Asia assembly assortment audience aviation backlog batch battery bevy biology biota block book botany bottle collection building bunch bundle caboodle calling together camp carload cast cast of characters category Central America class clutch coin collection collage combination coming together commune community concentration concourse congregating congregation content contingent convening convention convocation convoy corpus cortege course covey crew crop crowd cumulation cumulus data deal defence defense defense lawyers defense team dramatis personae eightsome ensemble entourage Europe exhibition expo exposition extragalactic nebula fair family fauna findings fivesome flagging fleet flinders floor flora form foursome Free World GAAP galaxy gang generally accepted accounting principles gimmickry grade group meeting hand heap herbarium hit parade information job lot Judaica jurisprudence kludge law library long suit lot mail mass mass meeting meeting menagerie miscellanea miscellany mixed bag mixture mobilisation mobilization motley mound multitude municipality muster mythology North America nuclear club octet octette Oort cloud pack package packet pair pantheon parcel petting zoo pharmacopoeia pile planting population post potpourri procession program library prosecution quartet quartette quintet quintette quorum rally rap group rave-up repertoire repertory retinue rogue''s gallery room rule book salmagundi septet septette set sevensome sextet sextette signage sixsome smithereens smorgasbord social affair social gathering South America stamp collection statuary string subroutine library suite sum sum total summation table tenantry Third World threesome throng tout ensemble traffic treasure treasure trove triad trinity trinketry trio troponomy troponymy turnout universe variety vegetation Victoriana wardrobe wine tasting year zoology