

Explore definitions, synonyms, and language insights of pass


of advancing the ball by throwing it; "a team with a good passing attack"; "a pass play"
(baseball) an advance to first base by a batter who receives four balls; "he worked the pitcher for a base on balls"
(military) a written leave of absence; "he had a pass for three days"
(American football) a play that involves one player throwing the ball to a teammate; "the coach sent in a passing play on third and long"
the location in a range of mountains of a geological formation that is lower than the surrounding peaks; "we got through the pass before it started to snow"
any authorization to pass or go somewhere; "the pass to visit had a strict time limit"
a document indicating permission to do something without restrictions; "the media representatives had special passes"
a flight or run by an aircraft over a target; "the plane turned to make a second pass"
a bad or difficult situation or state of affairs
a difficult juncture; "a pretty pass"; "matters came to a head yesterday"
one complete cycle of operations (as by a computer); "it was not possible to complete the computation in a single pass"
you advance to the next round in a tournament without playing an opponent; "he had a bye in the first round"
a permit to enter or leave a military installation; "he had to show his pass in order to get out"
a complimentary ticket; "the star got passes for his family"
a usually brief attempt; "he took a crack at it"; "I gave it a whirl"
(sports) the act of throwing the ball to another member of your team; "the pass was fumbled"
success in satisfying a test or requirement; "his future depended on his passing that test"; "he got a pass in introductory chemistry"
go across or through; "We passed the point where the police car had parked"; "A terrible thought went through his mind"
move past; "A black limousine passed by when she looked out the window"; "He passed his professor in the hall"; "One line of soldiers surpassed the other"
make laws, bills, etc. or bring into effect by legislation; "They passed the amendment"; "We cannot legislate how people spend their free time"
pass by; "three years elapsed"
place into the hands or custody of; "hand me the spoon, please"; "Turn the files over to me, please"; "He turned over the prisoner to his lawyers"
stretch out over a distance, space, time, or scope; run or extend between two points or beyond a certain point; "Service runs all the way to Cranbury"; "His knowledge doesn''t go very far"; "My memory extends back to my fourth year of life"; "The facts extend beyond a consideration of her personal assets"
travel past; "The sports car passed all the trucks"
come to pass; "What is happening?"; "The meeting took place off without an incidence"; "Nothing occurred that seemed important"
go unchallenged; be approved; "The bill cleared the House"
pass time in a specific way; "how are you spending your summer vacation?"
pass over, across, or through; "He ran his eyes over her body"; "She ran her fingers along the carved figurine"; "He drew her hair through his fingers"
transmit information ; "Please communicate this message to all employees"; "pass along the good news"
disappear gradually; "The pain eventually passed off"
go successfully through a test or a selection process; "She passed the new Jersey Bar Exam and can practice law now"
be superior or better than some standard; "She exceeded our expectations"; "She topped her performance of last year"
accept or judge as acceptable; "The teacher passed the student although he was weak"
allow to go without comment or censure; "the insult passed as if unnoticed"
transfer to another; of rights or property; "Our house passed under his official control"
pass into a specified state or condition; "He sank into nirvana"
throw (a ball) to another player; "Smith passed"
be inherited by; "The estate fell to my sister"; "The land returned to the family"; "The estate devolved to an heir that everybody had assumed to be dead"
cause to pass; "She passed around the plates"
grant authorization or clearance for; "Clear the manuscript for publication"; "The rock star never authorized this slanderous biography"
pass from physical life and lose all bodily attributes and functions necessary to sustain life; "She died from cancer"; "The children perished in the fire"; "The patient went peacefully"; "The old guy kicked the bucket at the age of 102"
eliminate from the body; "Pass a kidney stone"


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