What Rhymes With Emanation?

We found 674 words that rhyme with Emanation. Click on any word to find out the definition, synonyms, antonyms, and homophones.

Rhyme Len. Syllables PoS
Irradiation 11 5 noun
Irrigation 10 4 noun
Irritation 10 4 noun
Islamization 12 5 noun
Isolation 9 4 noun
Jubilation 10 4 noun
Justification 13 5 noun
Laceration 10 4 noun
Lactation 9 3 noun
Legislation 11 4 noun
Levitation 10 4 noun
Liberalization 14 6 noun
Liberation 10 4 noun
Libration 9 3 noun
Ligation 8 3 noun
Limitation 10 4 noun
Liquidation 11 4 noun
Litigation 10 4 noun
Localization 12 5 noun
Location 8 3 noun
Machination 11 4 noun
Magnetization 13 5 noun
Magnification 13 5 noun
Malformation 12 4 noun
Manifestation 13 5 noun
Manipulation 12 5 noun
Marginalization 15 6 noun
Masturbation 12 4 noun
Maturation 10 4 noun
Maximization 12 5 noun
Mechanization 13 5 noun
Mediation 9 4 noun
Medication 10 4 noun
Meditation 10 4 noun
Menstruation 12 4 noun
Migration 9 3 noun
Ministration 12 4 noun
Miscalculation 14 5 noun
Miscommunication 16 6 noun
Miscreation 11 4 noun
Miseration 10 4 noun
Misidentification 17 7 noun
Misinformation 14 5 noun
Misinterpretation 17 6 noun
Mobilization 12 5 noun
Moderation 10 4 noun
Modernization 13 5 noun
Modification 12 5 noun
Modulation 10 4 noun
Molestation 11 4 noun
Motivation 10 4 noun
Multiplication 14 5 noun
Mummification 13 5 noun
Mutation 8 3 noun
Mutilation 10 4 noun
Narration 9 3 noun
Nation 6 2 noun
Nationalization 15 6 noun
Naturalization 14 6 noun
Navigation 10 4 noun
Negation 8 3 noun
Negotiation 11 5 noun
Neutralization 14 5 noun
Nomination 10 4 noun
Notation 8 3 noun
Notification 12 5 noun
Nucleation 10 4 noun
Nullification 13 5 noun
Obfuscation 11 4 noun
Obligation 10 4 noun
Obliteration 12 5 noun
Observation 11 4 noun
Occupation 10 4 noun
Operation 9 4 noun
Optation 8 3 noun
Optimization 12 5 noun
Oration 7 3 noun
Orchestration 13 4 noun
Ordination 10 4 noun
Organization 12 5 noun
Orientation 11 5 noun
Origination 11 5 noun
Ornamentation 13 5 noun
Oscillation 11 4 noun
Ossification 12 5 noun
Ostentation 11 4 noun
Ovation 7 3 noun
Overpopulation 14 6 noun
Oxidation 9 4 noun
Pacification 12 5 noun
Pagination 10 4 noun
Palpitation 11 4 noun
Participation 13 5 noun
Pasteurization 14 5 noun
Penetration 11 4 noun
Perforation 11 4 noun
Permutation 11 4 noun
Personification 15 6 noun
Perspiration 12 4 noun
Perturbation 12 4 noun
Pigmentation 12 4 noun
Plantation 10 3 noun
Polarization 12 5 noun
Politicization 14 6 noun
Pollination 11 4 noun
Polymerization 14 6 noun
Pontification 13 5 noun
Population 10 4 noun
Precipitation 13 5 noun
Predation 9 3 noun
Predestination 14 5 noun
Premeditation 13 5 noun
Preoccupation 13 5 noun
Preparation 11 4 noun
Presentation 12 4 noun
Preservation 12 4 noun
Pressurization 14 5 noun
Prestidigitation 16 6 noun
Privation 9 3 noun
Privatisation 13 5 noun
Probation 9 3 noun
Proclamation 12 4 noun
Prognostication 15 5 noun
Proliferation 13 5 noun
Pronunciation 13 5 noun
Propagation 11 4 noun
Prostration 11 3 noun
Protestation 12 4 noun
Provocation 11 4 noun
Publication 11 4 noun
Punctuation 11 4 noun
Qualification 13 5 noun
Quantification 14 5 noun
Quotation 9 3 noun
Radiation 9 4 noun
Ramification 12 5 noun
Ratification 12 5 noun
Ration 6 2 noun, verb
Rationalization 15 6 noun
Reaffiliation 13 6 noun
Realization 11 4 noun
Recalculation 13 5 noun
Recantation 11 4 noun
Recapitalization 16 7 noun
Recitation 10 4 noun
Reclamation 11 4 noun
Reclassification 16 6 noun
Recommendation 14 5 noun
Reconciliation 14 6 noun
Reconfirmation 14 5 noun
Recreation 10 4 noun
Recuperation 12 5 noun
Redecoration 12 5 noun
Rededication 12 5 noun
Reevaluation 12 6 noun
Reexamination 13 6 noun
Reflation 9 3 noun
Reformation 11 4 noun
Refrigeration 13 5 noun
Refutation 10 4 noun
Regeneration 12 5 noun
Regimentation 13 5 noun
Registration 12 4 noun
Regulation 10 4 noun, adjective satellite
Rehabilitation 14 6 noun
Rehydration 11 4 noun
Reincarnation 13 5 noun
Reinvigoration 14 6 noun
Relation 8 3 noun
Relaxation 10 4 noun
Remediation 11 5 noun
Remuneration 12 5 noun
Renegotiation 13 6 noun
Renomination 12 5 noun
Renovation 10 4 noun
Renunciation 12 5 noun
Reorganization 14 6 noun
Reparation 10 4 noun
Replication 11 4 noun
Representation 14 5 noun
Repudiation 11 5 noun
Reputation 10 4 noun
Reregulation 12 5 noun
Reservation 11 4 noun
Resignation 11 4 noun
Respiration 11 4 noun
Restoration 11 4 noun
Retaliation 11 5 noun
Retardation 11 4 noun
Revaluation 11 5 noun
Revelation 10 4 noun
Reverberation 13 5 noun
Revitalization 14 6 noun
Revocation 10 4 noun
Rotation 8 3 noun
Russification 13 5 noun
Salvation 9 3 noun
Sanitation 10 4 noun
Saponification 14 6 noun
Saturation 10 4 noun
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