What Rhymes With Reprise?

We found 530 words that rhyme with Reprise. Click on any word to find out the definition, synonyms, antonyms, and homophones.

Rhyme Len. Syllables PoS
Frieze 6 1 noun
Friis 5 1 noun
Furches 7 2 noun
Gadflies 8 2 noun
Galvanize 9 3 verb
Geez 4 1 noun
Generalize 10 4 verb
Gies 4 1 noun
Glamorize 9 3 verb
Glees 5 1 noun
Globalize 9 3 verb
Goodbyes 8 2 noun
Grise 5 1 noun
Guarantees 10 3 noun
Guise 5 1 noun
Guys 4 1 noun
Harmonize 9 3 verb
Headcheese 10 2 noun
Hees 4 1 noun
Heese 5 1 noun
Hellenize 9 3 noun
Hercules 8 3 noun
Highs 5 1 noun
Hise 4 1 noun
Homogenize 10 4 verb
Honorees 8 3 noun
Hospitalize 11 4 verb
Humanize 8 3 verb
Hyades 6 3 noun
Hybridize 9 3 verb
Hydrolyze 9 3 verb
Hypnotize 9 3 verb
Hypothesize 11 4 verb
Idealize 8 4 verb
Idiosyncrasies 14 6 noun
Idolize 7 3 verb
Immobilize 10 4 verb
Immunize 8 3 verb
Implies 7 2 noun
Improvise 9 3 verb
Incise 6 2 verb
Indices 7 3 noun
Indochinese 11 4 noun
Inductees 9 3 noun
Industrialize 13 5 verb
Initialize 10 4 verb
Internalize 11 4 verb
Internationalize 16 6 verb
Internees 9 3 noun
Interviewees 12 4 noun
Ionize 6 3 verb
Isosceles 9 4 adjective satellite
Itemize 7 3 verb
Japanese 8 3 noun, adjective
Javanese 8 3 noun, adjective
Jaycees 7 2 noun
Jeez 4 1 noun
Jeopardize 10 3 verb
Journalese 10 3 noun
Keas 4 1 noun
Kees 4 1 noun
Keese 5 1 noun
Keys 4 1 noun
Klees 5 1 noun
Kleis 5 1 noun
Knees 5 1 noun
Knies 5 1 noun
Kreis 5 1 noun
Kriese 6 1 noun
Krise 5 1 noun
Kyes 4 1 noun
Leas 4 1 noun
Lebanese 8 3 adjective, noun
Lees 4 1 noun
Legalize 8 3 verb
Legitimize 10 4 verb
Lengthwise 10 2 adverb, adjective
Lessees 7 2 noun
Levis 5 2 noun
Liberalize 10 4 verb
Licensees 9 3 noun
Lies 4 1 noun
Likewise 8 2 adverb
Lionize 7 3 verb
Lise 4 1 noun
Localize 8 3 verb
Louise 6 2 noun
Lullabies 9 3 noun
Maccabees 9 3 noun
Maltese 7 2 noun, adjective
Manganese 9 3 noun
Marginalize 11 4 verb
Marseilles 10 3 noun
Materialize 11 5 verb
Matterease 10 3 noun
Maximize 8 3 verb
Mcclees 7 2 noun
Mclees 6 2 noun
Mcnease 7 2 noun
Mcnees 6 2 noun
Mease 5 1 noun
Mechanize 9 3 verb
Mees 4 1 noun
Meis 4 1 noun
Memorialize 11 5 verb
Memorize 8 3 verb
Merchandise 11 3 noun, verb
Mesmerize 9 3 verb
Metabolize 10 4 verb
Mies 4 1 noun
Militarize 10 4 verb
Mineralize 10 4 verb
Miniaturize 11 4 verb
Minimize 8 3 verb
Mize 4 1 noun
Mobilize 8 3 verb
Modernize 9 3 verb
Monopolize 10 4 verb
Moralize 8 3 verb
Mores 5 2 noun
Motorize 8 3 verb
Nationalize 11 4 verb
Naturalize 10 4 verb
Neas 4 1 noun
Nease 5 1 noun
Nees 4 1 noun
Neese 5 1 noun
Neis 4 1 noun
Nepalese 8 3 noun, adjective
Neutralize 10 3 verb
Nies 4 1 noun
Niese 5 1 noun
Nobodies 8 3 noun
Nominees 8 3 noun
Normalize 9 3 verb
Nuys 4 1 noun
Optimize 8 3 verb
Organize 8 3 verb
Ortiz 5 2 noun
Ostracize 9 3 verb
Otherwise 9 3 adjective satellite, adverb
Outsize 7 2 noun, adjective satellite
Overemphasize 13 5 verb
Overseas 8 3 adjective satellite
Oversize 8 3 adjective satellite
Oxidize 7 3 verb
Panelize 8 3 noun
Paralyze 8 3 verb
Pasteurize 10 3 verb
Pastoralize 11 4 noun
Patronize 9 3 verb
Pawnees 7 2 noun
Peas 4 1 noun
Pease 5 1 noun
Peise 5 1 noun
Penalize 8 3 verb
Personalize 11 4 verb
Pint-Size 9 2 adjective satellite
Plagiarize 10 3 verb
Pleas 5 1 noun
Please 6 1 verb
Pleiades 8 3 noun
Plese 5 1 noun
Polarize 8 3 verb
Politicize 10 4 verb
Polymerize 10 4 verb
Popularize 10 4 verb
Portuguese 10 3 noun, adjective
Preas 5 1 noun
Preis 5 1 noun
Pressurize 10 3 verb
Pries 5 1 noun
Prioritize 10 4 verb
Prise 5 1 verb
Privatize 9 3 verb
Prize 5 1 noun, verb, adjective satellite
Professionalize 15 5 verb
Propagandize 12 4 verb
Proselytize 11 4 verb
Publicize 9 3 verb
Pulverize 9 3 verb
Rabbis 6 2 noun
Rameses 7 3 noun
Ramesses 8 3 noun
Ramses 6 2 noun
Randomize 9 3 verb
Rationalize 11 4 verb
Realities 9 4 noun
Realize 7 3 verb
Reas 4 1 noun
Reauthorize 11 4 noun
Recapitalize 12 5 noun
Recognize 9 3 verb
Reemphasize 11 4 noun
Rees 4 1 noun
Referees 8 3 noun
Regionalize 11 4 noun
Reis 4 1 noun
Relies 6 2 noun
Remerchandise 13 4 noun
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