What Rhymes With Sedative?

We found 247 words that rhyme with Sedative. Click on any word to find out the definition, synonyms, antonyms, and homophones.

Rhyme Len. Syllables PoS
Articulative 12 5 noun
Alliterative 12 5 noun
Half-Conservative 17 5 noun
Ventilative 11 4 noun
Confutative 11 4 noun
Migrative 9 3 noun
Indagative 10 4 noun
Mediative 9 4 noun
Putative 8 3 noun
Nuncupative 11 4 noun
Suppositive 11 4 noun
Commutative 11 4 noun
Unrepresentative 16 6 noun
Contrapositive 14 5 noun
Indicative 10 4 noun
Appellative 11 4 noun
Specificative 13 5 noun
Configurative 13 5 noun
Reduplicative 13 5 noun
Federative 10 4 noun
Transitive 10 3 noun
Privative 9 3 noun
Exploitative 12 4 noun
Speculative 11 4 noun
Competitive 11 4 noun
Optative 8 3 noun
Self-Accusative 15 5 noun
Dominative 10 4 noun
Provocative 11 4 noun
Informative 11 4 noun
Representative 14 5 noun
Cessative 9 3 noun
Imperative 10 4 noun
Palliative 10 4 noun
Auditive 8 3 noun
Performative 12 4 noun
Lucrative 9 3 noun
Siccative 9 3 noun
Declarative 11 4 noun
Demonstrative 13 4 noun
Locative 8 3 noun
Intuitive 9 4 noun
Corporative 11 4 noun
Exhibitive 10 4 noun
Curative 8 3 noun
Exhortative 11 4 noun
Discriminative 14 5 noun
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