Hypernyms for "anaemia"
More general terms or categories
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aplastic anaemia
aplastic anemia
congenital pancytopenia
crescent-cell anaemia
crescent-cell anemia
drepanocytic anaemia
drepanocytic anemia
erythroblastosis fetalis
Fanconi''s anaemia
Fanconi''s anemia
haemolytic anaemia
hemolytic anemia
hyperchromic anaemia
hyperchromic anemia
hypochromic anaemia
hypochromic anemia
hypoplastic anaemia
hypoplastic anemia
iron deficiency anaemia
iron deficiency anemia
macrocytic anaemia
macrocytic anemia
malignant anaemia
malignant anemia
microcytic anaemia
microcytic anemia
pernicious anaemia
pernicious anemia
refractory anaemia
refractory anemia
sickle-cell anaemia
sickle-cell anemia
sickle-cell disease
What are hypernyms?
Hypernyms are words with a broader meaning that includes the meaning of the original word. For example, "animal" is a hypernym of "dog" because a dog is a type of animal.
Think of hypernyms as "umbrella terms" or categories that include the original word.