Hypernyms for "break"

More general terms or categories

abatement abruption babble babble out barracking betray bewray blab blab out blackout blackwash blow blow out blunder bog bog down boob break break apart break away break down break in break off break open break short break up break with breaking off breathe buckle burn out burst bust caesura capillary fracture catch one''s breath chip chipping closed fracture come out come out of the closet comminuted fracture complete fracture compound fracture compression fracture confide conflict contravene crack cracking crash crumple crush cut off cut short cut-in damp dampen dash dead air deaden deafen delay depressed fracture disassociate disjoint dislocation displaced fracture disrupt disruption dissociate disunify disunite divorce drop the ball eclipse fast break fatigue fracture flop fly in the face of fly in the teeth of fracture fragment fragmentise fragmentize fray frazzle freeze give the axe give the bounce give the gate go down go off goof hairline fracture halftime heckling hiatus hold hold on impacted fracture implode inclined fault incomplete fracture infringe insert interjection interpellation interpolation interposition interrupt intrude ladder lapse leak leak out let the cat out of the bag letup lull malfunction misfire misfunction muckrake occultation open fracture out peach postponement punctuation puncture reduce relief reprieve respite rest rest period reveal run run afoul rupture schism secede shatter shattering sideline simple fracture sin sing sink slide down slump smash smashing snap spill the beans splinter splintering split split up spring spring break stop stress fracture strike-slip fault suspend suspension take a breather take five take ten talk tattle time lag time-out transgress trespass wait
What are hypernyms?

Hypernyms are words with a broader meaning that includes the meaning of the original word. For example, "animal" is a hypernym of "dog" because a dog is a type of animal.

Think of hypernyms as "umbrella terms" or categories that include the original word.