Hypernyms for "frog"
More general terms or categories
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Alytes cisternasi
Alytes obstetricans
Ascaphus trui
barking frog
bell toad
Bombina bombina
eastern narrow-mouthed toad
fire-bellied toad
Gastrophryne carolinensis
Gastrophryne olivacea
Hylactophryne augusti
leptodactylid frog
Leptodactylus pentadactylus
Liopelma hamiltoni
midwife toad
obstetrical toad
ribbed toad
robber frog
sheep frog
South American bullfrog
South American poison toad
spadefoot toad
tailed frog
tailed toad
tongueless frog
tree frog
tree toad
true frog
true toad
western narrow-mouthed toad
What are hypernyms?
Hypernyms are words with a broader meaning that includes the meaning of the original word. For example, "animal" is a hypernym of "dog" because a dog is a type of animal.
Think of hypernyms as "umbrella terms" or categories that include the original word.