Hypernyms for "horsetail"
More general terms or categories
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common horsetail
Equisetum arvense
Equisetum fluviatile
Equisetum hyemale
Equisetum hyemale robustum
Equisetum palustre
Equisetum robustum
Equisetum Sylvaticum
Equisetum variegatum
field horsetail
marsh horsetail
rough horsetail
scouring rush
swamp horsetail
variegated horsetail
variegated scouring rush
water horsetail
wood horsetail
What are hypernyms?
Hypernyms are words with a broader meaning that includes the meaning of the original word. For example, "animal" is a hypernym of "dog" because a dog is a type of animal.
Think of hypernyms as "umbrella terms" or categories that include the original word.