Hypernyms for "support"

More general terms or categories

abutment accept adherence adhesion advance advocacy aid amenities anchor andiron apologise apologize approval approving arch support architrave assist attachment back back up backboard backbone backrest baluster bar base basement bear up bearing bearing wall bedpost blessing block bookend boost brace bracket bridge bring home the bacon buoy buoy up buttress buttressing buy at carry champion chock close support comforts conveniences creature comforts dangling defend demonstrate descant discant document dog dog-iron encourage endorse endorsement establish excuse firedog foot football tee foothold footing footstall foundation frequent fund fundament further groundwork guarantee gunstock handrest hanger hanging harness harp headstock help hold still for indorse indorsement justify keystone leg lifeline linchpin live with logistic assistance logistic support lynchpin mainstay maintenance meal ticket patronise patronize pay pedestal perch pier pillow block plinth pole promote prop prop up propping up protagonism prove provide rack radius rationalise rationalize reassurance rest rib rocker scaffold seat second see through shelf shew shop shop at shore shore up shoring shoring up show sit out spoke sponsor sponsorship stair stand stand for stand up step stick up stirrup stirrup iron stock structural member subsidise subsidize subsistence substructure suspension sustainment sustenance sustentation swallow tailstock take a joke take lying down tee truss undercarriage undergird underpin understructure uphold upkeep validate vamp verify vouch wall bracket warrant wheel spoke yoke
What are hypernyms?

Hypernyms are words with a broader meaning that includes the meaning of the original word. For example, "animal" is a hypernym of "dog" because a dog is a type of animal.

Think of hypernyms as "umbrella terms" or categories that include the original word.