

Explore definitions, synonyms, and language insights of position


the particular portion of space occupied by something; "he put the lamp back in its place"
a point occupied by troops for tactical reasons
a way of regarding situations or topics etc.; "consider what follows from the positivist view"
the arrangement of the body and its limbs; "he assumed an attitude of surrender"
the relative position or standing of things or especially persons in a society; "he had the status of a minor"; "the novel attained the status of a classic"; "atheists do not enjoy a favorable position in American life"
a job in an organization; "he occupied a post in the treasury"
the spatial property of a place where or way in which something is situated; "the position of the hands on the clock"; "he specified the spatial relations of every piece of furniture on the stage"
the appropriate or customary location; "the cars were in position"
(in team sports) the role assigned to an individual player; "what position does he play?"
the act of putting something in a certain place
a condition or position in which you find yourself; "the unpleasant situation (or position) of having to choose between two evils"; "found herself in a very fortunate situation"
a rationalized mental attitude
an opinion that is held in opposition to another in an argument or dispute; "there are two sides to every question"
an item on a list or in a sequence; "in the second place"; "moved from third to fifth position"
the post or function properly or customarily occupied or served by another; "can you go in my stead?"; "took his place"; "in lieu of"
the act of positing; an assumption taken as a postulate or axiom
cause to be in an appropriate place, state, or relation
put into a certain place or abstract location; "Put your things here"; "Set the tray down"; "Set the dogs on the scent of the missing children"; "Place emphasis on a certain point"

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academicianship accountantship admiralty aim ambassadorship angular position anomaly anteriority apostleship appose apposition apprenticeship arrange arrangement asana associateship attorneyship back bailiffship ballet position bar sinister baronetage barrel bastardy bed behalf bird''s eye view bishopry bottle bucket butt cadetship caliphate captaincy captainship cardinalship caste catcher center center field centerfield centrality chair chairmanship chancellorship chaplaincy chaplainship chieftaincy chieftainship clap cleanup cleanup position cleanup spot clerkship cock coffin coincidence collocation command commandership commandery comptrollership consulship controllership councillorship councilorship counsellorship counselorship cram curacy curatorship custodianship cutting edge dead center dead centre deanery deanship decubitus deploy deposit dignity direct direction directorship discipleship dispose docket dress ectopia editorship elbow room eldership election emirate emplace enclose ensconce episcopate equality equation equivalence erectness eversion externality face fatherhood feudal lordship fingering first first base fix footing forefront foremanship forward front futurism generalcy generalship glycerolise glycerolize goalie goalkeeper goaltender governorship gradient ground guard half-mast half-staff hard line headship high ground high profile high status Holy Order horizontality hot seat illegitimacy imbricate implantation inclination inclose incumbency insert inspectorship instal install instructorship internship interposition intersperse intervention introduce inwardness jar judgeship judicature juxtapose juxtaposition khanate ladle landmark lay lay over lead leadership lean leaning lectureship left left field leftfield left-handedness legal status legateship legation legislatorship librarianship lie lieutenancy light line line up lineman list lithotomy position load lose lotus position low status lowliness lowness magistracy magistrature malposition managership manhood marginality marshal marshalship mastership mayoralty messiahship middle mid-off mid-on mislay misplace misplacement missionary position moderatorship mound nationality nestle netkeeper nobility noblesse northernness occlusion Order order arms ordination orient orientation outwardness overlordship panoramic view par paradigm parallelize park pastorate pastorship peasanthood pedestal perch pigeonhole pile pillow pitch pitcher place place down place upright placement plant planting plum point of view poise pole position polls pose posit position post posteriority postpose postposition poverty trap praetorship precentorship preceptorship prefecture prelacy prelature premiership prepose preposition presentation presidency presidentship pride of place primateship principalship priorship proconsulate proconsulship proctorship professorship protectorship public office put back put down put in rabbinate rack up rank rear receivership recess recline rectorate rectorship regency replace repose reposition repositioning residency rest retirement right right field rightfield room rulership sainthood seat second second base secretaryship seed seigneury seigniory senatorship set set down set up setting settle settle down shelve ship shoes short shortstop sight sign sinecure siphon sit sit down site situate situation slope slot snuggle social rank social station social status solicitorship soup southernness sow space speakership sprawl sprawling square stance stand stand up standing standpoint station step stewardship stick in straddle stratification stratify studentship stymie stymy superimpose superpose superposition take take aim teachership tee tee up terms thaneship third third base throne throw thrust tilt toehold train treasurership trench tribuneship trusteeship tuck underlay upend uprightness vanguard vantage verticality verticalness vice-presidency viceroyship viewpoint viziership wardenship wardership way Weltanschauung wing womanhood world view