Homophone For h

3205 homophone groups found
cinch synch
sing singh
singh's sings sing's
c c. cie sci sea see si sie sieh
seaq seek sieck siek sikh
seeks seix sikhs
berg bergh burg burge
scarf scarff scharfe
schutte scutt skutt
slaght slat
slaugh slaw
sligh sly slye
slay sleigh
socha socia
socci sochi
seoul sohl sole soul sowle
spahn spawn spohn
spahr spar spohr
berch berk berke birk bourke burck burk burke
spaugh spaw
berkel birchall birkel burchell burkel burkle
staal stahl stolle
staff staph
stahnke stank stanke
stoehr stohr store storr
storch storck stork
stec stech steck
stair stare stehr sterr
stir stuhr
stihl stil still stille
steal steel steele steil stiehl
stohl stol stole stoll
strahm strom stromme
stroh strow
strohl strole stroll
suhr suhre suire
boro burro burrough burrow
sh shh
hsia sha shah
schaad shod
schaack schoch schock shaak shock
schaal scholl sholl
schon shon xan
schaap schopp schoppe shop shoppe
shoppes shops shop's
schaar schar scharr
scharf scharff sharf
scharp sharp sharpe
schaadt schott shot shott szot szott
schad shad shadd
schack shack shaq
schanck schank shank
schapp shap shapp
schuch schuck shuck
schum schumm shum
schut schutt shut shutt
berth birth
schutz shuts shutts
schall shaul shaull shawl
sean shaun shawn
schor schorr shor shore shorr
hsiao schow shao shough
shai shy
scheier schier shier
schein shein shine shyne
shed shedd
chef scheff sheff
bay baye bayh bey
scheck sheck shek szczech
schenck schenk shenk
schepp shep shepp
cher schehr scherr share sherr
cheri cherie sheri sherri sherrie sherry
scher schur schurr sher shir shirr shur shurr
sherk shirk
chez schey shay shea
schake shaik shaikh shake
shain shaine shane shayne
chaise shays shea's
shin shinn
shing xing
ship shipp
shipps shipp's ships ship's ships'
schear scheer shear sheer shere
she shi shieh shih sze xi
shia shiah
chic sheek sheik sheikh
scheel scheele schiel schiele she'll shiel
shealey shealy sheeley sheely sheley
cian shean sheen
schena sheena shena shiina
scheets scheetz sheats sheets sheetz
chau schau show
scholz scholze shoals sholes
schoen schone shone shown
shows show's shows'
schrock shrock srock
schram schramm sram
schreck shreck shrek
shri sri
schuur shure sure
hsu schoo schou schue schuh shew shiu shoe shoo shu shue
shuey shui
shoop shoup shoupe shupe
chute shoot shute
chutes schuetz schuetze shoots shutes
thom tom
tasch tash
touch tuch
tough tuff
toughed tuft tufte
taught taut
pty tai thai tie ty tye
teich tike tyke
thais thai's ties
tec tech teck tek
techs tech's teck's tex
tesch tesh
ahs oz
tisch tish
tracht tracked tract
thuy to too tu tue two
bihl bil bill
thul thull
thum thumb thumm
therm thurm
thain thaine thane thayne
theory thiery thiry
theall theel thiel thiele
theme thiem thieme
thoen thone
threw through thru
ooh oooh ou
uhler uhlir
oohs ooohs ooze
vaal vahl voll volle
vohs vos
vanwey vanwhy vanwie
vaughan vaughn von
been bihn bin binn
veach veatch veech
vaeth veith
voight voit
wa waah wah
waal wahl woll wolle
waas wah's was
wack whack
wacko wako whacko
wacks wax whacks
wang whang
wachs walks
wahle wal wall walle
war warr woehr wor wore
warf wharf
wai why wye y y.
bisch bish
why'd wide wyden
why're wire wyer
weich wike wyke
weichel weikel wikle wykle
weil weill while wile wyle
weill's weil's whiles wiles willes wyles
whine wine wyne
weiner whiner winer wyner
whiny winey
whines wines wine's wynes
white whyte wight
whys why's wies wise wyse y.'s y's
wed wedd wehde
wehlan wellen whelan
welch welsh
wen when
wenz when's
ware wear wehr werre where
wary werry wery wherry
wares warez wears where's
wet whet
werle whirl whorl wurl
werth wirth worth wurth
way waye wei weigh wey whey wy
wade waid waide weighed
beach beech
wail wale weyl whale
wailes wails wales wales' whales whale's
wait waite waitt wayt weight whate
waites waite's waits weights
wais ways way's weighs
which wich witch
whig wig wigg
whigs wiggs wigs
whims wims
when(3) win winn winne wynn wynne
ah ahh awe
whinney winney winnie winny
whip whipp
wisch wish
whit whitt wit witt witte
whiton whitten whitton witten witton
whiz wiz
oui we wee wiehe wii
weech wiech
wehe weihe
beal beale beall beel beil biehl biel
we'll wheel
bealer beehler beeler biehler bieler
wease weese wheeze wiese
whoa wo woe
woehl wohl
whew whoo woo wu
beahm beam beem
ja ya yah
jaan yohn yon
yacht yott
yahn yan
yahnke yank yanke
bean beane beene bein beine biehn bien
uric urich
baehr bier
yau yo yoe yoh
yohe yohei
hughley(3) uli yuli
ewes hughs u.s u.'s u's yew's yoos yu's
zachi zaki
zach zack zak
zahn zan
zara zarah
zora zorah
zech zeck
zehner zenner zenor
zeng zheng
zilla zillah zyla
zilka zilkha zylka
zeal zele ziehl ziel
zohn zone
xiao zhao zschau
zhou zhu
bloc bloch block blok
bloch's blocks block's blocs bloc's
blau blough
bligh bly blye
blech bleck
bloem blohm blome
beau beaux bo boe boeh bowe
bohen bowen
bohan bohon
boal boehl bohl bole boll bowl buol
bohlen bolan bolen bolon bowlen
boehler bohler bolar boler bowler
bohlin bolin bowlin
bohman boman bowman bowmen
boehmer bohmer bomer bowmer
boan boehne boen bohn bohne bone bown bowne
boehner bohner bonar boner
brahm brom bromm
braasch brosh brosz
bruhn brun brunn
brau brough brow
brehm brem
busch bush
booher buer
booth buth
buehl buel buhl
beulah bula
chalk chock chok
chop chopp tschopp
chad chadd
chang chiang chuang
chap chapp
chats chatz chatz'
chaz chazz
chun chunn
chao chow ciao
chae chai
check chek cheque czech
chen chien
ches chess
chern cherne churn
chaney chany cheney
chace chase
chile chili chilly
chin chinh chinn
chipps chips chip's
chea chee
chino cino
cho choe
choi choy
chew chiu choo chou chu tew
chews choose tewes tews
dhabi dobbie dobey dobie
dahl dol doll dolle
dali dhali dolley dollie dolly
dahl's dolls doll's dols
dohm dom
daane dohn don donn
dahm dam damm damme damn
dahn dan dann
dahnke dank
dara darrah
dasch dash
dah duh
duch dutch
dusch dush
doar doerr dohr door d'or dore dorr
doro dorow dorroh
dhows dow's
deitch deitsch dyche
dhein dine
dec dech deck
alfa alpha
delee delhi deli
dehm demme
dehn dehne den denn denne
denham denim denomme
der dirr duhr durr
dagan dagon deighan
ochs ox
dhillon dillan dillen dillon dylan
din dinh
disch dish
dhia dia
deahl deal deale deel diehl diel
deam deem diehm diem
ahn an ann anne
dau doe doh dough
dhole doell dole
dolf dolph
dohme dome
doan doane doanh
dohse dose
dura durrah
dubhi duby
thao thau thou
their there they're
this this'
tho though
effron efron ephron
eccles echols eckels eckles
alla allah
echo ekco eko
echoes echos echo's
ehle el ell elle l l.
ehlen ellan ellen
ehler eller
elek elich elick
ehly elie elley ellie elly
ehlke elk
ehlmann ellman ellmann elman
eng engh ng
aer air ayre ere err eyre heir
aaron aran aron ehren
ehrich eric erich erick erik
aero eroh
airs air's ayer's ayres errs heirs
esch esche esh
ethel ethyl
erb erbe herb
erbes herbs herb's
h h.
h.'s h's
ache ake
achor acre
achy aikey
amey amy eighmey
ate aydt eight
ates aytes eights eight's
faal fahl pfahl
fahr far farr pfarr phar pharr
farro pharo
fata fatah
fan fann phan
fahs fass
fung phung
fuhs fuss
faughn fawn
fouch fouche foutch
fae fi fye phi phy
file pfeil phyle
fila phyla
asch asche ash ashe
feit fight fite
feitz fights fites
ascher asher ashur
fehl fel fell
felan felon phelan
ashey ashy
fehn fen fenn phen
fair faire fare fehr ferre phair
farah farrah fera ferra
faro fero ferro pharaoh
faires fairs fair's fares phares
fer feur fir fur furr furrh
firth furth
fagan feagan feighan phagan
fait fate feight fete
faye's fay's faze fe's phase
fil fill phil
filley filly philley phillie philly
fisch fish phish
filo philo
flaugh flaw
fleur fluhr
foe pho
foal foale fohl pfohl
fone phone
fones phones phone's
frahm fram
frech freck
frase fraze frey's phrase
free freeh
freas frease freeh's frees freese freeze freis frese friese frieze friis
fro froh
frew frueh
foor fuhr
foo fu phu
few phew
gotch gotsch gottsch
gahli gali ghali golly
gaar gahr gar gohr
ghosh gosh
gach gatch
gahm gamm
gahn gan gann
guhl gul gull
gaugh gaw
goff gough
gaughran gawron goran goren gorin
ahearn ahern aherne
gehl guel
gary gehry
ghez guez
gerth girth
ghee gyi nghi
gau go goe gogh goh
goal gohl
ghose goes goghs gose
graf graff graph
grahams gramms gramm's grams
grahn gran
ahlen alain alaine alane alayne allain
ahmann aman ommen
gro groh grow growe
groce grohs gros gross grosz
gruen gruhn
ha hah
haab hob
hobbs hobs
haaf hof
haag hog hogg hogge
haagen hogen hoggan
haack haacke haak haake hoc hoch hock
hoxie hoxsey hoxsie
hahl holl holle
hollan hollen hollon
holley hollie holly wholey
halm hom homme
hommes homs
haan hahn han hohn hon honn
hans honse
han's hons
hop hopp hoppe
hoppes hopps hops
haar har
hardey hardie hardy
harc hark harke
harman harmen harmon
harmes harms harm's
harn harne
harp harpe
hardt hart harte hartt heart
hartel hartell hartl hartle
harts hart's hartz hearts heart's
harv harve
haas haase haass hahs hasse hoss
hot hott
hots hotz
hach hatch
had hadd
haddan hadden haddon
haff half
hafts haft's hafts'
hag hagg hagge
hagee hagey
hack hacke haq haque
hackel hackl hackle
hacks haq's
hal halle
hahm ham hamm hamme
hamel hamil hamill hammel hammell hammill
hamman hammann hammen hammon hamon
hamer hammar hammer hamor hamre
hamp hampe
hammes hams
hana hanna hannah
hannan hannen hannon
hani hanney hanni hannie hanny
hank hanke
hap happ happe
harr harre
haran harren harron
hasch hash
hat hatt
hattan hatten hatton
hats hat's hatz
halve have
ahner honor honore honour
hubbs hubs
huch hutch
huddie huddy huldie
hough huff
hug hugg
huck hucke
hucks hux
hulce hulse
hults hult's hultz
hulls hull's huls
hum humm
huml hummel hummell
huhn hun hunn
hundt hunt hunte
hunts hunt's hunts'
hunk hunke
hut hutt
huts hut's
haugh haw hawe
hauf hauff hoff
hauck hauk hauke hawk hawke hok
hawkes hawke's hawks
hall haul
hald hauled
halls hall's hauls
haughn haun hawn
hoar hoare hoerr horr whore
hearron horan horen
hoard hord horde
haury hoary hori
horn horne
hors whores
haught haut
hawes haws
hao hau how howe
houde how'd
hauer hower how're
howey howie
houck houk howk
houle howl
haus hause hauss house
houts houtz
houghs houze howes howe's how's howse howze
hauser houser howser
heye hi high hy
hiam higham
hiatt hiott hyatt
heid heide hide hyde
haydn heiden hyden
heider hider hyder
heidi hidy
heier hier higher hire hyer
hires hyers
heick hike huyck
heico heiko
hikes hykes
heil hile hyle
heiler hiler huyler hyler
uh uhh
haim heim hime
heiman heimann highman hyman hymen
hymie jaime
heims himes hymes
hein heine heyen hine huynh
heiney heini heiny
heines heins heinz heinze hines hynes
heise heiss hice
height heit hiett hight hite
heights heitz hites
highs hise
heizer hiser hizer hyser
heady heddy hedi
hefti hefty
hegg hegge
heck's hex
hehl hell helle
helm helme
helmes helms helms'
heldt helt
hem hemm hemme
hehman hemann hemmen
unrue unruh
hehn hen henn henne
hennan hennen hennon
heney henie henney
henri henry
hence hense
hennes hens hen's henze
henk henke
hep hepp heppe
hair haire hairr hare hehr herr herre
harrod herod herrod
harold harrold herald herold
haren heron herren herron
hairy harry
hairs hair's hares hare's
hess hesse
hetti hettie hetty
her hur
heard herd hird hurd
hurri hurry
hearl herl hurl
herm hurm
hearn hearne hern herne hirn hurn
hearst herst hirst huerst hurst
hersch hersh hirsch hirsh hursh
herdt hert hirt hurt hurtt
herta hurta
hertel hirtle hurtle
hirtz hurts
her's herz
haigh hay haye hey
hade haid heyd heyde
haden hayden haydon heyden heydon
hayer heyer
hague haig
hagan hagen
haik hake
hail haile hale heyl
hailey haley hayley
hailes hails hales hale's hayles
haman hayman haymon heyman heymann
haimes hames haymes
hahne hain hane hayn hayne heyn heyne
hainer haner hayner
hainey haney hany haynie
haines hains hanes haynes
hastey hastie hasty
haight hait hate
hase hayes hays hayse haze heys
hazel hazle
hasan hazan hazen
hicks hix
hickson hixon hixson
hill hille
hild hilde
hiley hilley hilly
hilts hiltz
hills hill's hills'
him hymn
hinde hynd
hiney hinny
hints hintz
hinz hinze
hinck hink
hip hipp hippe
hipps hips
hero hiro
heroes heros hero's
hit hitt
hits hitz
he hee
hebe heeb hieb
he'd heed
heal heel he'll
heald healed heeled
heals heels
heap heape
hear here
hears hiers
hees heese he's
hm hmm hmmm
ho hoe hoh whoa(3)
hoag hoeg hogue
hoak hoeck hoek hoke
hoel hoell hoelle hohl hole whole
holan holen
hold holde holed
holy wholly
hohlt holt holte
holtan holten holton houlton
holts holt's holtz
holes holz wholes
holm home
hohman hohmann homan homann homen
holmes homes home's homes'
hoehn hoehne hoen hone
hoener hohner honer
haute hote
hovan hoven
hovey hovy
hoes ho's hose
hosey hosie
hoi hoy hoye
hoit hoyt
hook hooke
hoo hou houx hu who
hudec hudek
hoop houp
husen huson
hoot huett huette huitt
huhta huta
hoos who's whose
huan hwan
huang hwang
hew hewe hue hugh whew(3)
huber hubor
heuer hewer
hewey huey hughie hughy huie
heuman heumann human humann
heun hewn
hewes hews hues hughes hughes' huse
ich itch
id ihde
issa issah
isch ish
ishee ishi
ito itoh
oar ohr or ore orr
john jon jonn
johnie johnnie johnny johny
jahns johns john's jon's
jahr jar
jahn jan jan. jann
jahnke jank janke
juhnke junk
gehle jehle
geck jech
gehm gem gemme jem
giel jheel
jo joe joh
ohrt ort
ca(3) ka kah
kotch tkacz
cockey cocky khaki
caul coll kahl kahle koll kolle
collar coller collor kahler kollar koller
cali colley collie colly kahley kolli
caan con conn conn. kahn khan kohn kon
aught ot ought
cons kahn's khan's konz
conk kohnke
car carr carre kahr karr
karg kharg
carr's cars car's cars' kahrs kahr's
kasha kasza
caught cot cott khat kot kott
catch kach tkach
cad khad
auer hour our
calaf caliph khalaf
kalil kallal khalil
hours hour's ours
caen cahn can cann kan kann kanne
cana kana khanna
cache cash kasch kash
cathie cathy kathi kathie kathy
kuch kutch kutsch
cul cull kuhl kull
kuhne kun
cush kusch
eich eick eike ike
icahn icon ikon
coar cohr cor core corps corr kohr
choral coral corle curle koral
caughron coren koren
chord cord
chords cordes cords
ahr ar are our(3) r r.
cohrs cores corps' kohrs
cao cau cow kao kau kough
khouri khoury koury
cai chi kai keye
keicher kiker kyker
kight kite kyte
chi's kise kyes
kehl kell
kaehler kehler kellar keller
chem kehm kem khem
kehn kehne ken kenn
ahren aren
caire care kahre kehr
charon karan karen karon
cares care's kehres
cur ker kerr kuhr
kirch kirk kurk
kersch kersh kirsch kirsh
curt kirt kuhrt kurt
kerth kurth
cay k k. kay 'kay kaye khe quaye
kihn kin kinn kinne qin
kisch kish
keehan kian
keach keech keetch
keal keel keele keil kheel kiehl kiel
kean keane keehn keen keene kiehn kiehne kiene
keehner keener keiner kiener
keo keogh keough
keath keeth keith
clan klahn klan klann
boche botch
chloe cloey
co co. coe ko koh
cohen kohen
cocchi cokie koeki koki
baack bach boch bock bohlke bok
coal coale cole colle koehl koelle kohl kol kole
coler koehler koeller kohler kolar
coley coli colli kohli
coehlo colo
coals coal's coles cole's kohls kohl's
coan cohn cone koehn koehne koen kohne
conan koehnen koenen kohnen
coast coste khost
bahl bol bolle
crag cragg kragh
balik bolich bolick
craugh craw
balm bohm bom bomb
chris chris' chriss cris criss kris kriss
chryst crist krist
creagh kreig krieg
cro crow crowe krogh kroh krowe
crone krohn
coo cou coup khoo khuu koo ku qu
coon coone koon koone kuehn kuehne kuhn
coones coons koons koon's kuhns
baar bahre bar barr
aargh argh
kulich kulick kulik
laack laake loch lock locke lok
lohn lon
lahr lar
lassa lhasa
lahti lottie lotty
lach lache latch latsch
laff laugh
lahm lam lamb lambe lamm lamme
lahn lan lann
lanham lannom lanum
lasch lash
barch bark barke
luhn lun lunn
lusch lush
laur laure loar loehr lohr lor lore
laura loera lora lorah
lao lau lough
loughrey loughry lourie lowrey lowry
leiken lichen liken lycan lykin
light lite
lightle litle lytle
leiter lighter lyter
lights light's lites
lech leck lek
lelah leola
lehmer lemere lemmer
lehn lehne len
lehnen lenin lennon lenon
lents lentz lentzsch
lair lare lehr
lesch lesh
lerch lurk
lait lay laye lei ley leyh
layah leya
lahey layhee leahey leahy
laman layman laymen laymon lehmann
late leight
lilah lilla
baasch bosh
lin linh linn linne lyn lynn lynne
linch lynch
lind linde lindh lynd lynde
baht bott bought
lizhi lizzie lizzy
lea lee leigh li
leah lia
leach leech leetch leitch
leaman leamon leeman leemon lehman leman
leath leeth leith
lo loe loh low lowe
loehmann lohman lohmann loman lommen lowman
loans loan's loans' lohnes lones
lohse los
luehrs luhrs lures
lueth luth
bache batch
ma mah
maack mach moch mock mok
machi maki
mahl moll molle
mohn monn
mani mohney
maher mahr mar marr meagher
marcom marcum markham markum
marchi marcie markie marky
marche marsch marsh
mahrt mart marte
maass mohs
mahtar mater motter
maahs maas mas maz
mache match matsch
macchi mackey mackie
maxam maxham maxim maxxam
mahn man mann manne
mahnke mank manke
ballo ballow balogh balow
masch mash
bahm bam
bahn ban banh bann
mcgagh mcgaugh mcgaw
magee mcgee mcghee mcghie
mcan mccahan mccan mccann mchan
macphee mcfee mcphee mcphie
mccone mchone mckone mckown
mcvay mcveigh mcvey
much mutch mutsch
muhl mull
musch mush
basch bash
hmong maung mong
mohr mor more morr
bat batt batte bhatt
majka mica micah
might mite
medi mehdi
mech meck
mehl mel mell melle
mehler melear meller mellor
mair maire mare mehr mer
mesch mesh
murr myrrh
murff murph
buch buche butsch
merc merck merk murch murk
mahan mahon mayhan
maier mayer mayher mayor
magan megan meighan
mich mitch mitsch
michal michell michl mitchel mitchell
mihm mim
mihn min minh
mear mere mir myhre
misch mish
meal meehl mele miele
moca mocha moka
mohl mole
moeller mohler moler
moor moore muhr
buchs bucks buck's bucs bucs'
muehl mule
na nah naw
knaack knaak knoch knock nock
knoth noth
nahm nam
gnash nash
none nuhn nun nunn
knorr nohr nor
nora norah
nigh nye
niam niamh
knight night nite
nehls nelles nels
nay neigh nej ney
neher neyer
niche nitsch nitsche nycz
nicholl nickel nickell nickle nickol nicol nicoll nikkel
know nau neault no noe noh
noa noaa noah
knoell knoll noell nohl nole noll
baughn baun
baur boar boer bohr bore borre
bora borah
ohair o'hair ohare o'hare
ohearn o'hearn ohern o'hern
au aux eau eaux o o' o. oh ohh ow owe
oba ohba
ohl ol' ole
oehler ohler oler
ohlin olin
ohlsen ohlson ohlsson olsen olson olsson
oehme ohm
oehmen ohman ohmann omen
ohmer omer
ohms ohm's
oanh own
o.s o.'s o.s' ohs oh's o's ose owes
poch pock
pahl pall
paasch posh
pasch pask pasque
path pathe
paugh paw
pao pough pow powe
pech peck
pehl pell pelle
bao bough bow
pen penh penn
bautch bouch bouche
penh's penns penn's pens pen's pens'
bauer bougher bower
pesch pesh
boughs bows
piche pitch pitsch
byam byham
pihl pil pill pille
peach piech pietsch
ph.d. phd
peal peale peel peele peil piehl piel
ploch plock
plough plow
po poe poh
poehl pohl pole poll
poehl's pohl's poles polls poll's pols
proch prock
bight bite byte
prough prow
prehn prenn
prew pru prue prugh
poo pooh pou pu
pooch puche
peugh pew pugh
pews pughs pugh's
ra rah raw rha
rada radha
roc roch rock rocke rocque
rohn ron ronne
randa rhonda ronda
baecker becher becker beker bekker
raffel raffle raphel
rahm ram ramm
rahn ran ranh rann
behl bel bell belle
rasch rasche rash
rath wrath
bela bella bellah
rugh ruh
rough ruf ruff
ruhnke runck runk
behler bellar beller
rusch rusche rush
rauh rawe
roar roehr rohr
rhorer rohrer rorer
roars roehrs rohrs
rosch rosh
rauth roth
reich reiche rike
reicher riker ryker
reihl rile ruyle ryle
behlke bel'c belk belke
rhyme rime
reimer rhymer rimer rymer
rhein rhine rhyne rine
reiner rhyner riner ryner
rhines rhynes rines rynes
raisch reisch reisz riesh
reit right rite wright write
reiter reitter righter riter writer
reits reitz rights right's rights' rites rite's wrights wright's writes
raeder redder reder rehder
ref reff reph
rec rech reck wreck
relf relph
rehm rem remme rhem
rehn ren renn renne wren wrenn
rench rentsch wrench
behm bem
rare reher
behn behne ben benn benne
resch resh
ret rhett
rich riche ritch
rhin rihn rinn rinne
risch rish
behney beni benney bennie benny
ree reeh rhee
rhea ria
rico ricoh
real reel riehl riel
ream reim rheem riehm
rease reece reese reise rhys riess
rheta rita
reaux rheault rho ro roe roh rohe row rowe wroe
rohan rowan rowen
roach roache roche
rhoad rhode road rode roed rohde rowed
rhoda roda
rhoden roden rowden
baer bahr bair bare bear behr
rhody roadie roady rodi rody
rhoades rhoads rhodes roades roads road's rodes
roher rower
roca rocha roka
roehl roell roelle rohl rol role roll rolle
rohlf rolf rolfe rolph
rohlfs rolfes rolfs
baril behrle berrill beryl burel burell
rhome roam roehm rohm rolm rome
rohman roman romann
roemer rohmer romer
rhone roan roane roen rone
rhoney roney roni rowney rowny
rhoten rhoton rotan roten rowton wroten
rhoto roto
roes rohs roh's rose rowes rowe's rows row's
rew rhew rhue rioux roux ru rue
rhude rood roode rude ruud
rhudy rudi rudie rudy ruedy
reul reule rhule ruel rule
reaume rheaume room roome
rueth ruth
saba sabah
saal sahl sol soll
sahli solley sollie solly
sohn sonn sonne
sohns sons'
sato satoh
sachs sachs' sacks sacs saks sax saxe
sahm sam
such sutch
sot sought
cy psi sai sigh sy
seid seide side sighed syed
cipher cypher seifer
cite sight site
cites seitz sights sites site's
sighs size
cech sec seck
self selph
sare sayre sehr serr
cera cerra sara sarah serra
sichel sickel sickle
bertch bertsch bertsche birch burch burtch