What Rhymes With Cosy?

We found 17 words that rhyme with Cosy. Click on any word to find out the definition, synonyms, antonyms, and homophones.

Rhyme Len. Syllables PoS
Blowsy 6 2 adjective satellite
Blowzy 6 2 adjective satellite
Cosey 5 2 noun
Cozy 4 2 adjective satellite, noun
Frowsy 6 2 adjective satellite
Hosey 5 2 noun
Hosie 5 2 noun
Josey 5 2 noun
Josie 5 2 noun
Mosey 5 2 verb
Nosey 5 2 adjective satellite
Nosy 4 2 adjective satellite
Posey 5 2 noun
Prosy 5 2 adjective satellite
Ring-Around-The-Rosy 20 6 noun
Rosie 5 2 noun
Rosy 4 2 adjective satellite
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