What Rhymes With Watergate?

We found 564 words that rhyme with Watergate. Click on any word to find out the definition, synonyms, antonyms, and homophones.

Rhyme Len. Syllables PoS
Abate 5 2 verb
Abbreviate 10 4 verb
Abdicate 8 3 verb
Abrogate 8 3 verb
Accelerate 10 4 verb
Acclimate 9 3 verb
Accommodate 11 4 verb
Accumulate 10 4 verb
Acetate 7 3 noun
Activate 8 3 verb
Actuate 7 3 verb
Adequate 8 3 adjective, adjective satellite
Adjudicate 10 4 verb
Administrate 12 4 verb
Adulate 7 3 verb
Adulterate 10 4 verb, adjective satellite
Advocate 8 3 verb, noun
Affiliate 9 4 noun, verb
Agglomerate 11 4 noun, verb, adjective satellite
Agglutinate 11 4 verb, adjective satellite
Aggravate 9 3 verb
Agitate 7 3 verb
Alienate 8 3 verb
Alleviate 9 4 verb
Allocate 8 3 verb
Alternate 9 3 adjective satellite, verb, noun, adjective
Aluminosilicate 15 7 noun
Amalgamate 10 4 verb, adjective satellite
Ameliorate 10 4 verb
Amputate 8 3 verb
Angulate 8 3 adjective, verb
Animate 7 3 verb, adjective
Annihilate 10 4 verb
Annotate 8 3 verb
Anticipate 10 4 verb
Antiquate 9 3 verb
Appellate 9 3 adjective
Appreciate 10 4 verb
Appropriate 11 4 verb, adjective
Approximate 11 4 adjective satellite, verb
Arbitrate 9 3 verb
Arrogate 8 3 verb
Articulate 10 4 adjective, verb
Asphyxiate 10 4 verb
Aspirate 8 3 noun, verb
Assassinate 11 4 verb
Assimilate 10 4 verb
Associate 9 4 noun, verb, adjective satellite
Ate 3 1 noun
Attenuate 9 4 verb, adjective satellite
Authenticate 12 4 verb
Automate 8 3 verb
Await 5 2 verb
Aydt 4 1 noun
Backdate 8 2 verb
Bait 4 1 noun, verb
Bate 4 1 verb
Beit 4 1 noun
Belate 6 2 noun
Berate 6 2 verb
Bifurcate 9 3 adjective satellite, verb
Blate 5 1 verb, adjective satellite
Boilerplate 11 3 noun
Breastplate 11 2 noun
Calculate 9 3 verb
Calibrate 9 3 verb
Captivate 9 3 verb
Carafate 8 3 noun
Carbohydrate 12 4 noun
Carbonate 9 3 verb, noun
Castigate 9 3 verb
Castrate 8 2 verb, noun
Cate 4 1 noun
Celebrate 9 3 verb
Chait 5 1 noun
Cheapskate 10 2 noun
Checkmate 9 2 noun, verb
Chlorinate 10 3 verb
Circulate 9 3 verb
Circumnavigate 14 5 verb
Classmate 9 2 noun
Coagulate 9 4 verb, adjective satellite
Cogenerate 10 4 noun
Cogitate 8 3 verb
Collaborate 11 4 verb
Collate 7 2 verb
Commemorate 11 4 verb
Commiserate 11 4 verb
Communicate 11 4 verb
Commutate 9 3 verb
Compensate 10 3 verb
Complicate 10 3 verb
Concatenate 11 4 verb
Concentrate 11 3 verb, noun
Condensate 10 3 noun
Confederate 11 4 noun, adjective satellite, verb
Confiscate 10 3 adjective satellite, verb
Conflate 8 2 verb
Congratulate 12 4 verb
Congregate 10 3 verb
Conjugate 9 3 adjective satellite, verb, noun
Consecrate 10 3 verb, adjective
Constipate 10 3 verb
Consummate 10 3 verb, adjective satellite
Contaminate 11 4 verb
Contemplate 11 3 verb
Cooperate 9 4 verb
Coordinate 10 4 verb, noun, adjective satellite
Copulate 8 3 verb
Correlate 9 3 verb, noun, adjective satellite
Corroborate 11 4 verb
Corrugate 9 3 verb
Counterweight 13 3 noun, verb
Crate 5 1 noun, verb
Create 6 2 verb
Crenelate 9 3 verb
Cross-Pollinate 15 4 verb
Culminate 9 3 verb
Cultivate 9 3 verb
Date 4 1 verb, noun
Deactivate 10 4 verb
Debate 6 2 verb, noun
Debilitate 10 4 verb
Decaffeinate 12 4 verb
Decapitate 10 4 verb
Decelerate 10 4 verb
Decimate 8 3 verb
Decontaminate 13 5 verb
Decorate 8 3 verb
Dedicate 8 3 verb
Deflate 7 2 verb
Degenerate 10 4 noun, adjective satellite, verb
Delegate 8 3 verb, noun
Deliberate 10 4 adjective satellite, verb
Delineate 9 4 verb, adjective
Demodulate 10 4 verb
Demonstrate 11 3 verb
Denigrate 9 3 verb
Denominate 10 4 verb
Depopulate 10 4 verb
Deprecate 9 3 verb
Depreciate 10 4 verb
Desecrate 9 3 verb
Desegregate 11 4 verb
Designate 9 3 verb, adjective satellite
Desolate 8 3 verb, adjective satellite
Deteriorate 11 5 verb
Determinate 11 4 adjective, adjective satellite
Detonate 8 3 verb
Devaluate 9 4 verb
Devastate 9 3 verb
Deviate 7 3 verb, noun, adjective satellite
Dichromate 10 3 noun
Dictate 7 2 verb, noun
Differentiate 13 5 verb
Dilapidate 10 4 verb
Dilate 6 2 verb
Discriminate 12 4 adjective, verb
Disinflate 10 3 noun
Disintegrate 12 4 verb
Disseminate 11 4 verb
Dissipate 9 3 verb
Distillate 10 3 noun
Domesticate 11 4 verb
Dominate 8 3 verb
Donate 6 2 verb
Downstate 9 2 noun
Duplicate 9 3 noun, verb, adjective satellite
Educate 7 3 verb
Effectuate 10 4 verb
Eight 5 1 adjective satellite, noun
Ejaculate 9 4 noun, verb
Elaborate 9 3 verb, adjective satellite
Elate 5 2 verb
Electroplate 12 4 verb, noun
Elevate 7 3 verb
Eliminate 9 4 verb
Elucidate 9 4 verb
Emaciate 8 4 verb
Emanate 7 3 verb
Emancipate 10 4 verb
Emasculate 10 4 verb, adjective satellite
Emigrate 8 3 verb
Emirate 7 3 noun
Emulate 7 3 verb
Encapsulate 11 4 verb
Enumerate 9 4 verb
Enunciate 9 4 verb
Equate 6 2 verb
Equivocate 10 4 verb
Eradicate 9 4 verb
Escalate 8 3 verb
Est 3 1 noun
Estate 6 2 noun
Estimate 8 3 noun, verb
Evacuate 8 4 verb
Evaluate 8 4 verb
Evaporate 9 4 verb
Eviscerate 10 4 adjective satellite, verb
Exacerbate 10 4 verb
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